


August 25, 2020
Group Therapy is a highly effective method of addressing interpersonal issues and can be used to treat certain mental disorders (anxiety, depression, personality disorder, etc.) as well as personal issues ranging from relationship dysfunction, social skills and communication enhancement. With group therapy clients are able to interact freely with one another in group, they often recreate the difficulties that brought them to therapy in the first place. Group therapy offers trust and support to assist the individual in further growth and problem solving. How Group Therapy Helps Group therapy provides the unique opportunity to both observe and reflect on personal and interpersonal skills. There are opportunities to give and receive instant feedback in an interpersonal context that more accurately reflects real life. Group therapy offers support, alternative perspectives, or gentle confrontation to clients. Through this process, people develop new and more effective ways of relating with one another. Further benefits of group therapy may include the increase of hope, outlook, interpersonal training and conflict resolution. Patients Participate For Successful Results Dr. Saponaro has been running therapy groups since 1997 and participants regularly report “gaining a new perspective” as one of the most beneficial aspects of the group process. Group Members learn through active participation as well as observation. They gain trust with one another during sessions. Therapy aids clients in giving them better control over their emotions and behavior for mental health improvement and balanced living. Though it can seem difficult to open up at first, clients soon find themselves becoming more open and sharing their own thoughts, opinions and feelings with other group members. Realizing that you are not alone and that there are others who share your experiences is one of the qualities that makes group therapy so successful. By taking part in discussions, clients learn from others and begin to gain knowledge of alternative methods for communication with family, friends and co-workers. The support from other group members can also help to increase a client’s self esteem which can be extremely helpful in personal growth. Therapist Dr. Lisa Saponaro Dr. Saponaro is a practical, interactive, evidence-based therapist. She uses a treatment approach that provides support and practical feedback to help her clients resolve current problems and long-standing patterns. Dr. Saponaro utilizes techniques that have been proven to be effective with specific issues. Dr. Saponaro has extensive experience in helping clients meet personal goals through her specializations in individual, couples and family psychotherapy and psychological testing. She maintains a private practice in her home town of Plantation, Florida. Understanding our strengths and weaknesses is the first step toward making meaningful changes. Take a free screening below to identify your areas of growth. Listening Skills Test Interpersonal Communication Skills Test Social Skills Test Assertiveness Test Social Anxiety Test
August 25, 2020
There are times in a marital relationship where communication barriers are present and the connections between spouses have grown apart. To rebuild the bond between partners and improve communication, couples can visit a Plantation psychologist to save the marriage. Couples counseling helps people learn to communicate with one another in a more positive and effective manner. Dr. Lisa Saponaro, PhD is a marital therapist that guides couples through counseling methods in order to resolve conflict, reduce arguments, and build stronger communication skills that enable the couple to express their thoughts and feelings and increase overall closeness and intimacy. Improve your Relationship with Therapy Couples counseling or marriage therapy can help couples understand what triggers lead to arguments and barriers to intimacy in the relationship. Dr. Saponaro can also help couples to work through difficult areas of their relationship in order to reconnect and move forward as a couple with a closer relationship. Couples may work through problems related to infertility, infidelity, money, substance abuse, parenting, or other areas of concern with the support and guidance of Dr. Saponaro. She has over ten years of experience as a practicing clinical psychologist. In addition, not all couples seeking therapy wish to remain together. It is sometimes true that one or both partners are no longer willing to invest into the relationship further. Dr. Saponaro helps both partners clarify their commitment to the relationship and may even facilitate more amicable dissolutions when the parties agree their relationship will not work. She has helped couples make the vital decision to part ways and co-parent cooperatively when the relationship could not be mended. She also was able to help many couples to resolve their differences and enjoy a healthier relationship. Plantation Psychologist Provides Relationship Therapy Dr. Lisa Saponaro, PhD provides relationship therapy from her Plantation, Florida practice. She provides pre-marital, marriage, and dissolution counseling, helping couples at any stage of their relationship find solutions for their situation. She is listed as a Plantation psychologist on Psychology and can be followed on Facebook and other social media sites (Digg, Foursquare, and Twitter at LisaSaponaroPhD). She is a compassionate and caring psychologist that can help couples improve their relationship with therapy. To request an appointment with Dr. Saponaro, visit or call (954) 560-9567. Understanding our strengths and weaknesses is the first step toward making meaningful changes. Take a free screening below to identify your areas of growth. Relationship Health Test (for couples with kids) Relationship Health Test (for couples without kids) How much do you share with your partner? Need for Space Test (codependence issues) Love Diagnostic Test
August 25, 2020
Couples face many challenges in their relationship. As two people join, they bring with them their own thoughts, opinions, and ways of doing things. A difference in opinion can occur when dealing with money, religion, parenting, etc. Couples that find themselves in an unsatisfactory relationship can learn how to better communicate and resolve conflict in a peaceful, healthy manner with psychotherapy (talk therapy). Dr. Lisa Saponaro is a Plantation, Florida psychologist that provides marital counseling for those seeking solutions for improving their relationships. Coping with Relationship Conflict Couples can seek counseling at any level of the relationship. They can seek pre-marital counseling, marital counseling, or counseling for marital dissolution. Counseling is intended to help couples improve and maintain healthy, long-lasting relationships. In the event of separation, the goal is to help the couple part ways in a peaceful and respectful manner. Counseling can help both parties better understand and resolve conflict. Couples counseling Plantation can help improve relationships dealing with chronic arguing, anger, infidelity, divorce, substance abuse, finances, and other common concerns. Coping with Relationship Changes A relationship can become stressed due to changes, such as role changes, retirement, unemployment, illness, or other situations. Partners can feel separated, frustrated, or overwhelmed with a variety of emotions from these changes. Couples counseling can help both parties to understand one another and provide tools for improved communication and conflict resolution. Couples can learn how to be supportive to one another. This can help the couple to reconnect and grow in their relationship. Psychologist Plantation Florida, Dr. Saponaro serves couples in Plantation (33322, 33323, 33324, 33325), Sunrise, and Davie. To inquire about an appointment for couples counseling Plantation call (954) 560-9567 or send an email to
August 25, 2020
The goal of couples counseling is to help couples understand and resolve their conflicts and improve their communication skills in order to achieve more satisfying relationships. Couples therapy may be sought during any phase of the relationship from pre-marital to dissolution. Couples often seek marriage counseling when nothing else seems to work and communication efforts fail. Couples counseling can be sought as a precautionary measure (e.g., couples preparing to wed), for couples who find it difficult to communicate, argue frequently or are contemplating divorce. Couples Counseling For Improved Communication Couples counseling or marriage therapy allows for the couple to communicate in new ways that can remove the aggression or pressure often felt during discussions about children, money or other continual concerns. Marriage counseling can also help couples work through trust issues, regain intimacy, better communicate, build honesty and reach forgiveness and reconnection. Saving a marriage or relationship takes effort on the part of both spouses. Couples can find solutions and attain goals through exercises, discussion and other methods offered by their therapist. They build comfort in order to share and work through their problems. It is a matter of conflict resolution through mutual respect, collaboration, cooperation, and commitment. Conflict Resolution With Couples Counseling Couples counseling offers methods that can assist couples in bettering communication skills in order to improve their relationship and learn new improved methods for conflict resolution. Thoughts, feelings, behaviors and interactions are discussed, shared and brought to the forefront of awareness. This insight often enables couples to better understand their partner. This does not mean that they will always agree but they can learn skills to communicate without a negative outcome for a happier healthier relationship. Dr. Lisa Saponaro PhD offers twelve years of experience and specializes in couples counseling in South Florida, West Broward and Plantation. She uses a variety of techniques to help couples meet their goals for relationship improvement and a stronger connection by building on their strengths and finding a common ground. Understanding our strengths and weaknesses is the first step toward making meaningful changes. Take a free screening below to identify your areas of growth. Relationship Health Test (for couples with kids) Relationship Health Test (for couples without kids) How much do you share with your partner? Need for Space Test (codependence issues) Love Diagnostic Test
August 25, 2020
Divorce can be a very stressful event and can cause a lot of emotional confusion. Family, group or individual therapy can help a child cope with the stress of parental separation and work through the multiple feelings that they themselves experience as a child of divorcing parents. Through communication with a therapist children are given hope and guidance through this difficult time. Children can come to understand that their parents divorce is not by any means their fault and that they are still loved and cared for by both of their parents. Children who have divorced parents and have participated in therapy have a decreased chance of experiencing their own relationship issues. When a marriage ends and divorce is chosen divorce counseling is available to help couples work towards a peaceful and respectful separation. When children are involved, their needs are the main focus. Florida statutes require that all parties filing for divorce complete a parenting plan. A parenting plan is a document created to govern the relationship between the parents relating to the decisions that must be made regarding the children in the relationship. A child’s education, health care, physical, social, and emotional well-being are to be considered and cared for by both parents through shared time schedules. The parenting plan shall be developed and agreed to by the parents and approved by the court or, if the parents can not agree, established by the court. It is simply a set plan created in the best interest of the child to ensure that all of their needs are met for health and safety. Children can easily feel overwhelmed and are very vulnerable during parental seperation or marriage dissolution. This is why a therapist that works with children should have experience with family counseling and be able to provide the trusting, comfortable atmosphere that a child requires to work through their own feelings of anger, sadness or even fear. Dr. Lisa Saponaro specializes in individual, couples and family therapy in South Florida and can help families who are going through or contemplating divorce in South Florida. She has the compassion for children that can help them to heal during this difficult event.
August 25, 2020
When a person finds themselves in a negative, “stuck” area of their life they hit a point that often leads them to seek help. Individual therapy or personal counseling can help patients who are suffering from suicidal thoughts, depression, addiction, anxiety, anger, past trauma and eating disorders. The Journal of Marital and Family Therapy conducted a study in which half of all patients receiving counseling experienced improvement after just eight sessions. More than seventy-five percent of these clients saw improvement at the end of six months. This same study showed that patients who actively participate in a positive psychotherapy program may enjoy higher self esteem, better control of stress, an increase in positive self image and better understanding of how to cope when stressful situations occur. There are numerous cases where patients make progress towards accomplishing their goals and by conquering the initial problems that led them to therapy, find the process of therapy rewarding and choose to continue on a path of personal growth. Dr. Lisa Saponaro offers such therapy through support, encouragement, and increased awareness on this journey of self-discovery and personal growth. By resolving personal conflicts and increasing one’s personal well being patients are better able to enjoy their place in society and enjoy healthier, happier relationships with spouses, family members and coworkers for a more balanced life. Dr. Lisa Saponaro specializes in individual therapy in South Florida, couples therapy in Broward county and family therapy in Plantation utilizing techniques that have been proven to be effective with specific issues. She incorporates a blend of conventional and alternative approaches, drawing upon a variety of styles and techniques to deliver a service that will be most helpful for each client. Understanding our strengths and weaknesses is the first step toward making meaningful changes. Take a free screening below to identify your areas of growth. Mental Health Assessment Anxiety Test Social Anxiety Test Depression Test Coping and Stress Management Skills Test
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