


August 25, 2020
Mental Health is mental wealth! Too much attention is focused on mental illness and not enough focused on our mental health. Evidence shows that good mental health supports good physical health, better immune function, healthier relationships, and overall life satisfaction. Too few of us dedicate enough time each day to our self care. Taking care of the basics such as: proper nutrition, exercise, good sleep hygiene and positive thinking all play into our well-being. Our thoughts and feelings, health habits, relationships, spirituality, careers, and leisure contribute to life satisfaction.
August 25, 2020
How many times over the past few years have we heard about a mass shooting?What follows is a media frenzy over identifying the culprit: an isolated, delusional young man with mental illness. This time around it’s Germanwings co-pilot Andreas Lubitz, who prosecutors believe deliberately slammed the Airbus A320 he was flying from Barcelona to Duesseldorf into a mountain in the French Alps last Tuesday, killing all 150 passengers that were on board. Call me a skeptic, but I think it’s all to easy to blame a dead person with a past history of mental illness for this tragedy. It’s much harder to take a long hard look at how we as a society perceive mental illness and take responsibility for creating an environment in which mental health treatment is often inaccessible, and even if it is available it is likely not to be utilized because one has to hide mental illness and fear getting diagnosed and treated because of stigma and the negative implications it may have on ones career and relationships. According to APA Executive Director Dr. Katherine Noral, while research shows that investing in prevention-oriented programs can reduce mental illness and improve health, too few of these programs get the attention and the funding they deserve. The media headlines today scream “Germanwings co-pilot was treated for suicidal tendencies,” “received lengthy psychotherapy before receiving his pilot's license,” and “was prescribed antidepressants”. What do these headlines do? Create stigma. Just because one has a history of depression and suicidal ideation does not mean one is going to take down a plane with 149 people on board. Depression is the “common cold” of mental illness and while often kept secret because of stigma, it’s likely that some men and women who have fought for our country overseas, your co- worker, neighbor, or perhaps a family member at one time or another experienced depressive symptoms (which include suicidal ideation) and may have even been treated for it with antidepressants or self medicated using drugs and alcohol. While we still have a long journey ahead of us, fortunately there are some changes in the right direction. Alarmed by the steady increase in suicides over the past decade, military officials in recent years beefed up the number of programs and behavioral health specialists available for troops. Most recently in November of 2014, an event titled “Let’s Talk Solutions for the Future of mental Health” at the National Press Club brought together psychologists, journalists, scholars, veterans and advocates to discuss solutions in three areas: how to improve and increase mental health services for underserved and minority communities, how to improve care for veterans, and how to reduce stigma about mental illness. Also notable is the Chicago School of professional psychology that recently hosted an event titled “No Health Without Mental Health” that reviewed the latest research on prevention and treatment of mental illness, and their upcoming event on April 30th “Inside the Minds Studio,” is a thought leadership event addressing the intersection of the mental health profession and issues faced by veterans, military personnel, and their families. I am currently working with a few of my colleagues on facilitating a government program in the community titled Media Smart Youth, aimed at empowering young people to develop awareness and critical thinking skills about the media’s role in influencing their choices (steering them towards foods high in fat, sugar and salt), and build skills to help them make healthy choices with relation to their minds and their bodies. Perhaps my next undertaking will be facilitating a program aimed at empowering people to develop awareness and critical thinking skills about the media’s role in creating and promoting a stigma associated with mental health. The journey began but we have a long road ahead.
August 25, 2020
Just yesterday the news of of the tragic loss of a treasured Hollywood star, Robin Williams, hit the headlines. Sadly, it appears that the 63 year old comedian and actor took his own life. Robin Williams has been open about his diagnosis of Bipolar Disorder, not only as a source of pain, but also as a source of inspiration. He has been reported to have used his depressive and manic episodes as catalysts for his creative genius. Too often our headlines are littered with the news that a beloved, respected and well known celebrity has committed suicide, often leaving a wake of disbelief, grief and wondering of what more could have been done. But what about what is left off of the headlines? The Center for Disease Control reports that suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in individuals 10 years of age and older. According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness it is the 3rd leading cause of death among youth aged 15-24. Over 90 percent of people who commit suicide have been diagnosed with mental illness commonly including depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, personality disorders, anxiety disorders and eating disorders. Substance abuse and addiction are also associated with an increased risk of suicide. While mental illness may be a risk factor, by no means is it a death sentence. While there may be no cure for mental illness, every mental illness is treatable and can be managed into complete remission. With strong support, appropriate treatment and time Suicide is 100% preventable. Lisa Saponaro, Ph.D. is committed to increasing awareness of suicide prevention through education, assessment and treatment of the underlying emotions, thoughts and beliefs that may increase suicide risk. You too can do your part by becoming educated about the warning signs and actions to take if you suspect a loved one may be a risk for suicide. Warning signs may include, but are not limited to: Talking about death and dying Giving away personal belonging Speaking about meeting or being with someone who has died Expressions of powerlessness or hopelessness Isolation from friends and family Sudden termination of psychotherapy, pharmacological treatment or other wellness activities. Increase in drug and/or alcohol use Increase in the severity and/ or frequency of self-injurious behaviors and/or high risk behaviors. Here are some considerations in joining the fight for Suicide Prevention: If you suspect a friend of love one may be suicidal – don’t be afraid to ask “Are you suicidal?” While many report concerns with discussing suicide with a love one leading to suicide, there is no such effect and in fact more often leads to needed help. The most loving act you can do for a loved one you suspect may be suicidal is to encourage them to get help. Encourage them to call 911, go to your nearest emergency room or utilize a suicide hotline such as 1 (800) 273-TALK (8255) from the American Association of Suicidology. An individual who is suicidal is likely to be experiencing a profound sense of hopelessness, powerlessness and loneliness. Efforts to connect your loved one to help show that there is a way out and that they are NOT ALONE. Never forget that there is always, always ALWAYS someone and more likely many people who are waiting, willing and motivated to help and carve a path out of the darkness. Dr. Saponaro is a licensed psychologist providing mental health services to the local south florida area with a practice located at: 120 S. University Drive, Suite A Plantation, FL 33324 It has been said that suicide is a permanent solution for a temporary problem. We may never know the profound distress that lead Robin Williams to take his own life, but we can learn from this tragedy, grieve, and then march forward in the fight for Suicide Prevention. Rest in peace, Mr. Williams, and thank you for the laughs.
August 25, 2020
Rana el Kaliouby: This app knows how you feel -- from the look on your face Martin Seligman: The new era of positive psychology Gratitude | Louie Schwartzberg | TEDxSF Ben Ambridge: 10 myths about psychology, debunked Dan Gilbert: The surprising science of happiness Jill Bolte Taylor: My stroke of insight VS Ramachandran: 3 clues to understanding your brain Brené Brown: The power of vulnerability Susan Cain: The power of introverts
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