

August 25, 2020
ADHD or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a neurobehavioral, developmental disorder that consists of attention problems and hyperactivity. ADHD is the most commonly studied and diagnosed psychiatric disorder in children. According to the National Institute of Mental Health two million have ADHD. This means that in a typical classroom at least one child has ADHD. Child Warning Signs of ADHD According to the Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry the following may be some of the signs a child will display if he or she has attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: Has trouble paying attention Has trouble sleeping Easily distracted Has trouble finishing assignments at home and at school Has trouble listening Has trouble following multiple adult requests Is squirmy or fidgets a lot Cannot sit still, jumps out of seat to run or climb Seems "on the go" or "busy" all the time Talks a lot and interrupts others Has trouble playing quietly ADHD Diagnosis Dr. Lisa Saponaro uses ADHD testing as a useful tool in determining if a student’s academic difficulties are the result of an attention problem, behavioral problem or underlying emotional issue. ADHD testing may include parent and teacher questionnaires, self-report measures, tests of attention, and personality inventories. This type of testing is often conducted in conjunction with some psychoeducational testing so that a more thorough and individually tailored academic plan can be recommended. Psychoeducational testing is often recommended when a child is struggling to keep up with academic demands, has been retained, or appears to have unusual difficulty with a specific subject. Psychoeducational testing is used to diagnose learning disabilities and provide recommendations for educational planning and special testing accommodations. ADHD Counseling There are multiple types of counseling or ADHD therapy that can benefit both the ADHD child as well as the parents of an ADHD child. Individual therapy using cognitive-behavioral approaches can be very helpful in the treatment of Attention Deficit Disorder ADHD. Teaching the ADHD child how to solve problems, and decreasing impulsivity are targeted goals. Teaching the Attention Deficit Disorder - ADHD child how to monitor his or her own behaviors provides a sense of accomplishment and source of positive self esteem to the child. Family Therapy can help both parents and children providing knowledge of ADHD such as what to expect and what adjustments might be required. Family therapy for ADHD can also help soothe family tension or sibling jealousy as the ADHD child is likely to receive an abundacne of attention from the parents, both good attention and bad creating this jealousy. ADHD counseling can be found in West Broward Florida through the expertise of Dr. Lisa Saponaro of Plantation Florida 33324. Dr. Lisa Saponaro has extensive experience helping families set up, execute and find improvement in their child’s behaviors. By utilizing evidence based behavioral interventions she helps parents choose the optimal parenting strategies for the targeted area and works to individualize each plan of treatment to the family and their unique strengths. Understanding our strengths and weaknesses is the first step toward making meaningful changes. Take a free screening below to identify your areas of growth. ADHD/Attention Deficit Disorder Test Attention Span Test Concentration & Focus Skills Test Organization Skills Test (Personal Life Version) Organization Skills Test (For Students and Workers) Procrastination Test Time Management Test
August 25, 2020
Psychological Testing is an evaluation used to to assess underlying psychological functioning such as cognitive and emotional functioning that may be useful in understanding a variety of mental health diagnoses. Psychological Testing consists of a number of prescribed tasks performed by an individual which are compared to a statistical table that allows the evaluator to compare behavior of the individual being tested to that of a norm group. Psychological testing can help to find giftedness or increased cognitive ability, it is useful in diagnosing learning disabilities as well as understanding underlying factors contributing to problems in personal relationships, work and social environments. This enables psychologists to make appropriate treatment recommendations for the improvement of the patients mental health and personal well being. There are multiple areas of psychological testing services that can be beneficial in a mental health diagnostics testing for cognitive ability and IQ, psycho educational testing, ADHD diagnosis, Autism diagnosis, Asperger’s and other pervasive developmental disorders, social and emotional well being, personality testing, parenting ability and career readiness. These tests can assist in a proper diagnosis and suitable treatment method prescription that can improve a person’s mental health and well-being allowing them the opportunity to make personal alterations to improve their lives in areas of education, work, social and self. Many people look to psychological testing when something negative occurs. Children who are highly intellectual may begin to find themselves in a class that is not challenging enough creating boredom and misbehavior. This is similar to children who have learning disabilities such as a child that is dyslexic who may choose not to do homework because of the frustration. ADHD can be found in both children and adults causing thought disruptions and lack of focus. Through psychological testing these areas can be diagnosed and guided help can be recommended in order to better address the concern that is creating dissatisfaction in one’s life. Psychological testing allows a person to recognize what the key problem is for their troubles and how to correct behavior or repetitive patterns removing the distress and creating mental health improvement and self healing. Dr. Lisa Saponaro specializes in individual, couples and family psychotherapy as well as psychological testing offering these services from her private practice in Plantation Florida.
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